I think my memorable class was the one I attended called "BIM Managers Guide to Automating Revit Using Macros" which was taught by +Troy Gates. The other most memorable class was Harry Mattison's "Maintaining Order and Preventing Chaos with the Revit API". Both classes offered lots of information with the Revit API and Macros and definitely things I would like to try and/or implement. Troy's macro on creating dependent views with the Revit API was awesome. I know it takes quite a while for me to create dependent views when they are needed for a project when I set them up. This will save me a lot of time. I guess it is part of the LARUG add-in for Revit. I will have to find that for sure. Harry had some great tips on spying on your fellow Revit users for adding and/or modifying families, changing to a non-standard font or creating random text types.
All of the meals were top-notch with a different variety of food each day. the 30 minute "Morning Tea" or "Afternoon Tea" breaks were very much needed. I did a lot of networking, socializing and made a lot of new friends with whom I hope to keep continued contact with.
Fun factoid from the Wrap Up Session: at one of the previous RTCNA events, I believe it was Atlanta, $700 of alcohol was consumed per attendee during the conference of 500 people, so you do that math.
There was a "Twaffle" and "Click" contest that I participated in as well. Don't go looking up the definition as there are many and they are kind of NSFW. Here are some of the pics I took for the Twaffle and Click contest (that didn't actually get awarded that I saw) and a few others from the event.