Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Converting Wall, Ceiling or Floor Based Families to Face-Based.

Create a dummy project, call it whatever you want. Place your walls, ceilings and floors. Then place the familes you want to change the hosting for (we can do multiple familes with this). When done, start another dummy project. Link in the first dummy project. Now you will want to copy/monitor those familes into the second dummy project. Once that is done, they will change to a face based family. You can now right-click save-as from the project browser or open the family and save them.

Here is a list of family categories you can copy/monitor.

•Air terminals
•Communication Devices
•Data Devices
•Electrical Equipment
•Electrical Fixtures
•Fire Alarm Devices
•Lighting Devices
•Lighting fixtures
•Mechanical equipment
•Nurse Call Devices
•Plumbing fixtures
•Security Devices
•Telephone Devices

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